Breeding Bird Survey 2023

The 2023 Stanpit Breeding Bird Survey, prepared by David N Smith, found the following:

BlackcapBetween eight to ten singing males with three successfully raising young.
BlackbirdA common resident with at least five pairs breeding.
Blue TitTwo pairs bred and both raised young.
Canada GooseThere was no obvious attempt to breed this year.
Carrion CrowTwo pairs raised three young between them.
Cettis WarblerA good year with three pairs raising young and two pairs second brooding.
ChaffinchA common breeder.
Chiff ChaffSix pairs bred with reasonable success, at least three raised young.
Coal TitThis species breeds just off the reserve.
Collared DoveOnly two pairs this year but one pair raised two young.
CootThis species only hangs on as a breeding species, one pair got washed out early year and no young were recorded.
CuckooPresent in the area and regularly recorded during the Spring and Summer, probably bred on Wick.
DunnockA common breeder.
GadwallOnce again a pair was present during the Spring but no obvious breeding took place.
GoldfinchFour to five pairs present with with good success, especially common on the newly founded park on the golf course.
Great Spotted WoodpeckerUsual pair again raised two young.
Great TitThree pairs successfully raised young.
GreenfinchUpward of ten pairs bred mostly around Couch Hill, plenty of young recorded in later summer.
JackdawBreed commonly around the area with one pair on the reserve but unsuccessful.
JayTwo pairs bred again this year with one pair raising one young.
KestrelThe usual pair lost out to crows and magpies this year and didn’t successfully breed.
Lesser WhitethroatA pair on Crouch Hill raised two young.
LinnetA declining species with just two pairs recorded.
Long Tailed TitTwo pairs were both successful.
MagpieTwo pairs bred with one raising two young.
MallardA fairly common breeder with about seven to eight pairs scattered around the area.
Meadow PipitFour pairs this year and even allowing for regular flooding two managed to raise young.
MoorhenSeveral pairs bred with up to five young recorded during late July/August.
Mute SwanFour pairs were present around the marsh with three successful but one pair raised only one young.
Oyster CatcherNo serious attempts to breed this year, but present and always worth keeping an eye on.
PheasantAgain, present in small numbers but no young reported.
Pied WagtailTwo pairs bred with one successful.
Reed BuntingSix singing males present with moderate success.
Reed WarblerAt least fourteen to sixteen single males. Young were noted at several nests late in the season.
RobinAnother common breeder.
Sedge WarblerFive singing males were on Priory late in the season, success not known.
ShelduckAgain, no obvious breeding took place, however a pair with young did appear during July, maybe from Hengistbury.
Song ThrushUpward of eight singing males mainly on the perimeter of the reserve.
SparrowhawkRegularly recorded and obviously breeds very locally. Two to three pairs.
Stock DoveAnother good year with at least four pairs, with very few young raised.
Water RailAnother good year with six to nine pairs probably breeding, up to eight young were recorded during late July/August.
WhitethroatUp to six males were present in early Spring but success was considered down on average.
Wood PigeonAt least four pairs present and two at least raised young.
WrenA common resident with young raised at three nesting sites.